I’m so happy you’re here!

Thank you for taking this step to become your best self. Your combination of self-awareness and drive will be valuable tools in this journey.

This starter kit will act as your guide, but in the end you are the one who must do the work. If you want to reach the summit, you have to garner the courage to move past unforeseen obstacles.

I know that you want to transform. Fear not! Like a trusty headlamp, this starter kit will help you shine light on areas previously obscured in shadow.

Getting Started with your Kit

Part I

Review & Reflect

Society's obsession with the future leaves little time to pause for reflection. However, a review of the prior year is critical to contextualize what has, in fact, been working for you.

Armed with this information you will be able to "feed forward" improvements to the new year.

Part II

Build Habits

Habits are the daily rituals that form the bedrock of our lifestyle. Habits feel the most natural and effortless when they are inspired by our identities. Our brains like to see alignment between identity and action.

How are your habits helping or harming you?

Part III

Mindset Map

The most impactful way to effect lasting change is mindset transformation.

When we change our identities our behavior and actions will adapt to support this shift.

What beliefs need to be refreshed?