Career Crisis

As a high-achiever, being laid off can be a real hit to your confidence. You’ve lost a major part of your life and are now concerned about your family and your livelihood. What if the next company is just as fickle?

While overwhelmed, you are also excited about the next opportunity. What will it be?

Or perhaps you still have a job, but it’s no longer what you signed up for. It used to be exciting and energizing, but now you’re disengaged and feeling meh. Do you want to continue to dedicate your time and energy to this company?

Maybe you fantasize about pursuing a side passion, but struggle to see the career opportunity in it. Or you believe that it’s too late to launch a new career.

Practical concerns aside, what kind of impact would you like to have? What change do you want to see in the world?

You will sleep better at night having discovered clarity in your career. You will wake excited to grow in a new role or a new industry - feeling energized by the challenge ahead.

My unique approach to uncovering your true calling and finding the right career path takes you on a journey of self-transformation that is rooted in body intelligence, somatic experience, and mindset mapping. Unlike other executive coaches, I apply relational tools from grief counseling, couples therapy, and yoga & meditation to help you find a vocation that is aligned with your values.

“Without Victoria’s coaching I wouldn’t have had the confidence to pursue a new path - I literally just got off the phone with Cornell as I’m exploring their Leadership Program and other new opportunities for my future. The inner critic has been tamed and my perspective has widened. I feel more confident and more excited about the possibilities life has to offer. I’ve moved from stuckness and confusion to curiosity and commitment.”

Executive Director, Education