1:1 Coaching

Most often I work with leaders navigating major work life transitions. Together we look at:

What does success look like to you?

Where do you want to go? And,

How can you trust that knowing?

Specific skills I address:

  • Executive Presence: Cultivating a strong and influential leadership presence for key decision-makers.

  • Emotional Intelligence: Fostering emotional awareness and empathy to improve relationships and leadership effectiveness.

  • Strategic Planning: Assisting in the development and implementation of long-term strategies and goals.

  • Work-Life Synergy: Helping leaders achieve a healthy balance between their professional and personal lives.

“Without Victoria’s coaching I wouldn’t have had the confidence to pursue a new path - I literally just got off the phone with Cornell as I’m exploring their Leadership Program and other new opportunities for my future. The inner critic has been tamed and my perspective has widened. I feel more confident and more excited about the possibilities life has to offer. I’ve moved from stuckness and confusion to curiosity and commitment.”

Executive Director, Education